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年度 | 計畫別 | 計畫名稱 | 執行開始日期 |
110 | 科技部專題研究計畫 | 人工智慧導入後設認知英語課程對大專生英語溝通學習成效與對話流暢度之提升研究 | 2021/08/01 |
110 | 教育部教學實踐研究計畫 | 同儕回饋交互教學法導入英語課程提升大專學生英語聽力及海洋英語知識 | 2021/08/01 |
109 | 科技部專題研究計畫 | 認知見習模式融入網路英語教學對大專生後設認知發展與聽力學習成效之探究 | 2020/08/01 |
107 | 科技部專題研究計畫 | 網路互惠式英語教學對大專生英文聽力理解、溝通意願與人際互動之成效探究 | 2018/08/01 |
107 | 教育部教學實踐研究計畫 | 應用互助教學法增進大學生網路英語影片之理解 | 2018/08/01 |
105 | 科技部專題研究計畫 | 問題導向英語文法教學對於大專生形容詞比較句型學習成效之探討 | 2016/08/01 |
104 | 科技部專題研究計畫 | 應用後設認知策略教學以提升大專學生英語聽力能力之研究 | 2015/08/01 |
101 | 國科會專題研究計畫 | 多媒體問題導向英語文法教學對大專生英文動詞補語、子句學習成效與英語自主學習影響之研究 | 2012/08/01 |
100 | 國科會專題研究計畫 | 多媒體問題導向英語教學對篇章理解、單字字意推測、知識轉移與英語學習態度影響之研究 | 2011/08/01 |
99 | 國科會專題研究計畫 | 多媒體問題導向英語教學對篇章理解、單字字意推測、知識轉移與英語學習態度影響之研究(NSC99-2410-H-019-012-MY2) | 2010/08/01 |
98 | 國科會專題研究計畫 | 多媒體影片不同呈現模式對大專學生英文理解力影響及與字彙知識深度關聯性之研究 | 2009/08/01 |
97 | 國科會專題研究計畫 | 多媒體教材對英語學習者的文字與非文字理解策略應用及字彙與全文的理解力影響之研究 | 2008/08/01 |
96 | 國科會專題研究計畫 | 影片多媒體英語教學與大專學生英語文多元性理解力提升之研究 | 2007/08/01 |
95 | 國科會專題研究計畫 | 衍生式學習理論應用於臺灣大專學生英文篇章理解之研究 | 2006/08/01 |
94 | 校內計畫 | 提昇大一學生英語閱讀理解力的英語教學法之研究 | 2005/02/01 |
學術著作(依最近的排列) |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2024). A Peer Feedback Reciprocal Teaching Class Using a Concept Mapping Tool to Foster EFL Learners' English Marine Knowledge Acquisition and English Text Comprehension. 人文社會學報 (Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences) 第二十卷第一期, 73-104。 |
• | 林綠芳(2021)。應用交互教學法增進大學生英語聽力理解之實踐研究。《教學實踐研究》。doi: 10.7007/JSoTL.202106/PP.0005(海大人文社會相關領域優良期刊) |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2018). Integrating the Problem-based Learning Approach into a Web-based English Reading Course. Journal of Educational Computing Research. Advance online publication. doi 10.1177/0735633117705960 (SSCI) |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2017d). The Application of the Problem-Based Learning Approach to English Class: Chinese-speaking Learners’ Willingness to Communicate. International Journal of Education, 9(3), 1-20. doi: 10.5296/ije.v9i3.11414 |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2017c). Impacts of the Problem-based Learning Pedagogy on English Learners’ Reading Comprehension, Strategy Use, and Active Learning Attitudes. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 5(6), 109-125. doi:10.11114/jets.v5i6.2320 |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2017b). Chinese-Speaking Students’ Use of Metacognitive Listening Strategies to Understand English Video Materials. Journal of Education and Social Policy, 4(1), 161-170. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2017a). English Grammar Instruction and the Problem-based Learning Approach: A Multiliteracies Perspective, The International Journal of Literacies, 24(1), 17-26. doi:10.18848/2327-0136/CGP/v24i01/17-26. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2016b). The Effects of the Task-Based Language Teaching and the Presentation-Practice-Production Models on Grammar Instruction. Journal of English Education, 5(1), 45-78. 科技部人文社會科學研究中心 人社期刊評比: 2016年收錄為第三級期刊) 人社期刊評比 |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2016a). The Impact of Video-based Materials on Chinese-Speaking Learners’ English Text Comprehension, English Language Teaching, 9(10), 1-13. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2015). The Impact of Problem-Based Learning on Chinese-Speaking Elementary School Students' English Vocabulary Learning and Use. System, 55, 30-42. (SSCI) |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2014a). Chinese-Speaking Learners’ Cognitive Comprehension Problems with English Video-Based Materials. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 51(1), 23-47. (SSCI) |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2012). The Impact of Text Difficulty on EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning. Journal on English Language Teaching, 2(2), 14-24. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2011b). The Video Comprehension Strategies of Chinese-Speaking University Students. Journal of Educational Computing research, 45(3), 299-321. (SSCI) |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2011a). Gender Effects on L2 Learners’ Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning in the Video-based CALL Program. International Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2(2), 295-301. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2010d). English Learners’ Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in the Video-based CALL Program. Special issue of the Asian EFL Journal, 12(4), 51-66. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2010c). A Video-Based CALL Program for Proficient and Less-Proficient L2 learners’ Comprehension Ability, Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition. Educational Media International. 47(3), 199-216. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2010b). The Impact of the Retelling Technique on Chinese Students’ English Reading Comprehension. Asian EFL Journal: English Teaching and Research Articles, 12(2), 163-191. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2010a). Senior High School Students’ Reading Comprehension of Graded Readers. International Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 1(1), 20-28. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2009d). Video comprehension strategy application and second language learning attitudes. The International Journal of Learning, 17(1), 55-67. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2009c). The impact of English Learners’ Topic Knowledge on Reading Comprehension: The application of the retelling technique. Studies in English Language and Literature, 24, 87-106. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2009b). Video Segment Comprehension Strategies: Male and female university students. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 129-139. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2009a). Second language learners’ identity toward their home culture: Adding pragmatic knowledge to language learning curriculum. Asian Social Science, 5(8), 43-51. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2008b). A Case Study of a Remedial Extensive Reading Program in Inspiring English Learners’ Motivation to Read English. Studies in English Language and Literature, 21, 91-102. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2008a). The Study of English Learners’ Synthesizing Process during Reading. Asian EFL Journal: English Teaching and Research Articles, 10(1), 205-227. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2007). A Study of the Meaning and the Causes of Silence in Students' English Conversation. Studies in English Language and Literature, 19, 49-62. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2005). Selecting English Reading Material for Taiwanese Senior High School Students. In Yiu-nam Leung, & Yi-ju Chen (Eds.), Selected Papers from the Fourteenth International Symposium on English Teaching (pp. 427-434). Taipei, ROC: English Teachers’ Association. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2001). Review of the book Culture in second language teaching and learning. TESOL Quarterly, 35(4), 618-619. (SSCI). |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2019b). A Problem-Based Learning English Listening Course: Undergraduates’ listening ability and perceptions of the PBL learning environments. In Liou, Hsien-Chin (Ed.). Innovative Foreign Language Education and the New South-Bound Policy, pp. 109-138. Taiwan, Taichung: Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Feng Chia University (逢甲大學). |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2019a). The Effect a Problem-Based Approach to Teaching Listening Comprehension Ability and Metacognitive Strategy Use. In Astrida Skrinda (Ed.). Teaching English: Perspectives, Methods and Challenges, pp. 1-45. NY, USA: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. |
• | 林綠芳(2008),「93-96國科會語言學門成果發表會--成果報告集」,主辦單位: 國科會人文及社會科學發展處,民國97年12月20日。 |
• | in, Lu-Fang. (2023 March).數位科技導入英語交互教學模式課程提升大專學生海洋英語知識之習得:學生省思與觀點. Paper presented at TWELF 2023 (第十八屆台灣數位學習發展研討會研討會), Kenting, Taiwan. |
• | Yu-Hsiu Huang & Lin, Lu-Fang* (2023 April, Abstract Accepted; Paper presentation on Nov. 12, 2023). Using CLIL to improve EFL learners' English performance. 2023/32nd International Symposium on English Teaching and Book Fair. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2021). Implementation of Reciprocal Teaching in a WebQuest-based Classroom. In Program Booklet of the 4th Pedagogy and Practice in Technology Enhanced Language Learning (PPTELL 2021, online conference due to COVID 19), p.63. Paper presentation. PPTELL Association :Taipei City, Taiwan. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2020). Implementation of PBL Pedagogy in English Courses: A guide for EFL teachers to design the problem. Paper presentation at 2020 Seventh International Foreign Languages and Literature Teaching Conference at Feng Chia University: Innovation in Theory and Praxis. |
• | 林綠芳(2020)。互惠教學法融入英語課程提升大專生英語聽力之理解能力。Retrieved Nov. 25, 2020, MOOCS線上影音課程。臺北聯合大學系統課程網址:https://pse.is/387fdy |
• | 林綠芳 (2019e)。互助教學模式融入英語課程之課程設計與教學實踐(Curriculum Design and Implementation of the Reciprocal Teaching Model Integrated into English Class)。開創通識教育發展新途徑暨教學實踐與跨域研究研討會。論文宣讀。國立臺灣海洋大學主辦。 |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2019d). A Study of Problem-Based Pedagogy for Fostering English Grammar Acquisition in a Web-Based Context: A pilot study. In the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education Conference Proceedings Volume II, Maiga Chang, Hyo-Jeong So, Lung-Hsiang Wong, Ju-Ling Shih, Fu-Yun Yu (Eds.). pp. 382-387. Taiwan, Taoyuan County: Center for Science and Technology for Learning, National Central University. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2019c). Implementation of the Reciprocal Teaching Approach in an English Listening Course. In the Proceedings of 2019 The 3rd International Conference on E-Society, E-Education and E-Technology (ICSET 2019), pp.115-119. Indexing with EI Compendex, SCOPUS. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2019b). The Application of the Reciprocal Teaching Approach to Teaching English. [互助教學法應用於英語教學之初探] Paper presentation. Shih Hsin University, the 8th International Conference on the Dialogue between Sociology and Psychology. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2019a). Reciprocal teaching of listening comprehension for English learners. International Symposium on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2018b). Fostering the Chinese-Speaking Students’ Affections for Learning English through the PBL Approach. The 26th International Conference on Computers in Education. 菲律賓Marnila. Panel 2: http://icce2018.ateneo.edu/index.php/panels/ |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2018a). Implementing Problem-Based Learning in an English Listening Course: Undergraduates’ perceptions of the PBL environments. 2018 Sixth International Conference at Feng Chia University: Exploring the Uncharted Territories: Foreign Languages and Literature Teaching in Taiwan and Southeast Asia [2018逢甲大學第六屆外語文教學國際學術研討會] |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2017). The Problem-based Learning English Curriculum. Twenty-fourth International Conference on Learning. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2016b). University Students’ Perceptions of the Problem-Based Learning Approach Used in English Reading Class. Paper presentation in the 3rd ESBB (English Scholars Beyond Borders) Conference. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2016a). Chinese-Speaking University Students' Use of Metacognitive Strategies in English Listening. In the Asian Conference on Education & International Development (ACEID) 2016 Conference Proceedings (pp. 43-53). Kobe: The Japanese National Centre. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2014). Chinese-Speaking University Students’ English Learning Attitude in the Context of Online Learning. Paper presentation in AsiaCALL 2014 Conference第十三屆亞洲電腦輔助語言學習國際研討會. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2013b). The Application of the Problem-Based Learning Approach to Teaching English Grammar through the Internet. In Wong, L.-H. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21 st International Conference on Computers in Educational (pp. 688-694). Indonesia: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2013a). Proficient and Less-proficient Students’ Perceptions of the Problem-based Learning Approach Used in a Second Language Learning Context. In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, edited by J. Herrington, A. Couros and V. Irvine, 1064–1069. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2012). The Application of the Problem-Based Learning Approach to a Second Language Learning Context. In T. Amiel & B. Wilson (Eds.), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2012 (pp. 2465-2470). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. |
• | Lin, L.-F. Hsiung, P.-Y., & Yan, Y.-H. (2011b). University Students’ Listening Comprehension Problem. PAC 2011 and 20th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2011a). Lin, L.F. (2011). Problem-Based Learning Approach in Multimedia Foreign Language Learning. In S. Barton, J. Hedberg & K. Suzuki (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn 2011 (pp. 1389-1392). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved January 9, 2017 from https://www.learntechlib.org/p/37347. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2010b). The Impact of Gender on English Learners’ Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning in the CALL Program. The 27th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the R.O.C. (pp.465-471). (第二十七屆中華民國英語文教學研究國際研討會) |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2010a). The Effects of Video-Based CALL Program on L2 Learners’ Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition. Asia EFL conference. (NSC 97-2410-H-019-018) |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2009b). The Influence of English Learning Attitudes on University Students’ Application of Video Comprehension Strategies. The Thirteenth International Conference on Multimedia Language Education of ROCMELIA 2009 (pp. 357-369). |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2009a). Multimedia Learning Strategies Used by University EFL Students. The proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2009 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (pp. 2962-2971). |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2008b). A Survey Study of University Students’ Video Comprehension Strategy Use: The intrinsic side of affectivity. The 2008 International Conference on English Teaching and Western Literature Teaching (pp. 125-135). |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2008a). The Application of Multimedia to the English Comprehension Instruction: The Strategy Survey. In J. Luca & E. R. Weippl (Eds.). The proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (pp. 4227-4234). |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2006b). Come back, students: A program to facilitate less-proficient readers’ comprehension of English text, The 23rd International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China (pp. 839-848). Taipei, Taiwan: Kaun Tang International Publications Ltd. |
• | Lin, L.-F. (2006a). The Study of Taiwanese College Students’ English Reading Comprehension Strategies. 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences (pp.931-944). |